Speech Delivered on June 24 at the Idaho Statehouse on the anniversary of Roe V. Wade being overturned

Today is a sad day. It’s a sobering day that marks the first time a constitutional right, a fundamental freedom to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, has been taken away from us after years of calculated, hateful attacks. 

And it’s also a day of clarity. And I have never been more clear than I am today…Clear in thought. Clear in purpose. Clear in action. 

Make no mistake, the lynchpin to women’s equality is the freedom to control when and if to have a child. This is about our independence and our freedom to live the lives we choose. And the forces who are erasing our freedoms know it.

They are the same forces who fight against racial equity, and use buzz words like Critical Race Theory to deny truth telling about American history in schools. They are the same people attacking the LGBTQ community and passing policies to ban gender affirming care and passing policies in schools to silence kids and keep them from being who they are. They are the same people banning books. They are the same people who say they value life but won’t provide medical coverage for mothers postpartum or study how to prevent deaths when pregnant. They are the same people who restrict access to contraception and shame women for having sex but support an aggressive male culture where “scoring and pursuing” women is exalted.  Nowhere in this climate do we talk about how to control men and how to control them from actually impregnating women, nor the epidemic level of violence and bullying that is overtaking our institutions.  

So, today must also be a day of clarity, a day to shine the light on the truth and to see the interconnectedness of all oppression. The attacks on women, people of color, and anyone who doesn’t conform to traditional gender roles is also an attack on the future and well-being of our country and the essence of who we are and what we are supposed to be – a land of the free and where justice for all is not just for a conditional few.

We have made great strides over centuries of work to live out the true meaning of the dream of our country.  Like ocean waves crashing on the shore, we have seen progress to create a country where everyone can thrive, regardless of race, sex, gender identity, physical and mental abilities, sexual orientation, and so on.  We have fought hard for our rights and our freedoms. We have seen, read about and been a part of great social movements to make our country stronger and more free.  AND in the face of those strides, unfortunately we have also seen a backlash of fear creeping in from those who are told the myth that those who gain power will take away what you already have.  Fear that “their way of life” is coming to an end. 

After George Floyd was murdered, we saw 20 million people take to the streets and systems and institutions acknowledging institutional racism and trying to address it. And we also saw a president at the time outlaw diversity training in federal programs and the creation of the critical race scare.  

We are in a period of backlash to our progress.  Just like previous movements, we will have to fight like hell to restore our freedoms and move us farther towards justice and equality, like those waves on the ocean shore.  We will have to fight for the promise of our country and the future of our very souls. 

The hateful backlash to our progress for human rights is so ugly, but we have to remember, it’s nothing we haven’t seen before, nor those before us. 

So we must be CLEAR. We must see the attacks for what they are and fight for the world we want to live in.  

  • A world where everyone can be who they are and pursue their dreams freely without disdain from their government.
  • A world where everyone has the opportunity to thrive. 
  • Where everyone has enough nutritious food to eat. 
  • Where people feel safe and everyone has a safe place to live.
  • Where people can access affordable or free medical care.
  • Where learning is valued.
  • Where humility, compassion, and love are mainstream.
  • Where people are treated with dignity and respect. 
  • Where we value the land we live on and protect our vital natural resources. 

Let us be clear today in our purpose and lock arms together to fight for what is justly ours.  And remember that fight will not come easy, so it’s essential that you care for yourself and others. Get your rest, meditate, walk in nature, read, take time in quiet spaces, center yourself.  Every great warrior must be well equipped for battle.

I have never had more people contact me about getting involved than I have now.  So get involved daily and be clear in your actions: 

  • Use your sphere of influence to do good things and include people and set a tone. 
  • Educate yourself on what is happening now and read about our history.
  • Put down your phones and iPads and talk to each other.
  • GEt involved in campaigns to elect people who share your values. Donate and door knock.
  • Talk to people that aren’t like you. Talk about values and try to find common ground.  We must cut through fear and misinformation.
  • Avoid hateful spaces …maybe like twitter… : – )
  • Testify in committees.
  • Write letters to elected officials and share your opinions.
  • Schedule meetings with them or try!
  • Write letters to the editor.
  • Show up to protect curriculum and freedoms discussed during school board meetings.
  • Get parents in your school together and talk about how to protect your kids and fight for public schools that are places where everyone can be themselves.  Meet with the principal and talk about your priorities. 

There is a lot to do, and we can do it together.  

Center yourself, find supportive circles, and be clear about who you are while you do what needs to be done.  Remain true to yourself and find peace and joy while you fight!  This is a long battle and we need to stay engaged for the long haul.